hear from our teaching artivists!
Learning goes both ways. Teaching Artivists Michelle and Maria share their perspectives on the impact of our work.
Being a part of CONTRA-TIEMPO as a Teaching Artivist has been a gift and has had a profound impact in my life. I am grateful for their love and commitment to community and social change. The first time I experienced the transformative power of their work was during their joyUS justUs performance with Las Cafeteras. I felt a deep sense of joy and remembering in my body. I connected to my ancestors, my culture, and purpose, and cried from the excitement and sense of belonging I felt. I was inspired to share my gifts with the world.
It has been an honor to be a Teaching Artivist for CONTRA-TIEMPO. I’ve learned what it truly is to co-create a more just world not only through movement but through my relationships within the company. There is space for my wholeness and dignity, including my growth, ideas, differences, gifts, joy, and rest. I am challenged in ways that expand me both as a human and Artivist. I am in deep gratitude for CONTRA-TIEMPO. I believe their work is critical to creating social change and uplifting our communities.
As my passion for art grew, I found myself creating work that speaks up about social issues, immigration, and breaking systemic roots. While in college my professors noticed and instantly directed me to CONTRA-TIEMPO.
Not only does the company provide uplifting and informative performances to multitudes, they also provide opportunities to access joy through movement. My favorite activity to be a part of is our Sabor Sessions. In these we connect to community through movement, music, and play. The joy that emerges from these sessions is addicting-- high vibrations fill your body, movement flows, and your face ends up hurting after smiling so much.
My time with CONTRA-TIEMPO has been nothing but impactful. As a Teaching Artivist, I have seen how the work we do brings people together and inspires. Whether it be kids in a classroom relearning social skills through movement, games, and ancestral technologies or adults learning to reignite the joy they had left in the past.
Over the last 2 years our programming has moved back to our roots in arts education. Your contribution will directly support the continued growth of these programs.