Online activism and social media are increasingly powerful tools for championing the causes that are important to us. The internet extends our reach, allowing us to make connections, build networks, and generate traction through social media movements. Unfortunately, cyber activism can also be an easy way to provide minimal support to a cause, without truly investing or engaging in important issues.
Today, let’s look at online activism, the problems that can arise from “clicktivism” and “slacktivism,” and some strategies for meaningful activism on social media and elsewhere.
Internet Activism
Internet activism, also known as digital activism, refers to the use of the internet and social media platforms to raise awareness, mobilize support, and promote social and political change. It enables individuals, communities, and organizations to reach a wider audience, engage in online conversations, and coordinate collective action.
Clicktivism vs. Slacktivism
Clicktivism and slacktivism are two forms of internet activism that have received both praise and criticism. Clicktivism refers to the act of using social media platforms to support a cause by liking, sharing, or commenting on posts, signing online petitions, or donating money online.
Slacktivism typically refers to the act of supporting a cause through minimal effort or participation, such as changing profile pictures, using hashtags, or sharing pre-written messages without taking any meaningful action or engaging in real-world activism.
While clicktivism and slacktivism may provide an easy way to show support for a cause, they often lack real-world impact and may even distract from the importance of real-world activism. For this reason, they are common examples of “performative activism.” Performative activism is a form of self-serving virtue signaling, which allows you to demonstrate and take credit for involvement in a cause, without actually advancing the cause itself. Sure - it can offer a quick sense of satisfaction and the illusion of contributing. However, these actions often lack tangible impact and can even distract from genuine efforts for systemic change.Therefore, it is important to engage in online activism in a thoughtful and effective way.
Broadcasting Our Beliefs
Social media has become an independent publishing platform for broadcasting our personal beliefs. This has been powerful as a technology for liberating our voices and for amplifying being heard in a larger public forum. The digitized broadcasting of beliefs can help to distribute and disseminate information at a mass level with one instant click. This has given everyone with their own opinions who has access to the internet a giant megaphone to shout out, call out, respond to, and say anything they want to say. However, If everyone is just talking out loud, who is listening? If we are all just sharing what we think, who is receiving information? If it is all an outward facing publicizing of our beliefs when have we given time to do the inward facing work of examining and interrogating our own belief systems. Most importantly, when are we actually taking time to put those broadcasted beliefs and values into action.
Tips for Effective Online Activism
“We might argue that the first step to engaging meaningfully in online activism is by not. ”
Here are some other strategies to consider when engaging in digital activism:
Educate yourself: Before engaging, research the issue and understand its complexity, nuances, and potential consequences. This will help you to develop informed opinions and avoid spreading misinformation.
Be strategic: Set clear goals, target your message to the right audience, and choose the right platform to maximize your impact.
Take meaningful action: Don’t stop at just liking or sharing posts. Take concrete steps like contacting representatives, attending protests, or volunteering.
Use your voice: Speak out against injustice, share your personal experiences, and amplify the voices of those who are marginalized. Start conversations and challenge the status quo.
Build coalitions: Collaborate with other individuals or organizations that share your goals. This will help you to amplify your message, share resources, and build momentum toward real-world change.
We might argue that the first step to engaging meaningfully in online activism is by not. We often feel like being an online activist is meaningful because it is open to the public at a massive scale. The most meaningful impact is experienced personally, human to human, and from lived experiences. The work is heart to heart and your real-time presence. This builds the resources of kindness, care, compassion and vivifies our biological optimism. This is an embodiment and enactment of loving, this is a primary act. From this living and loving we can be better informed about our role in building a more just society.
True activism isn't just about sharing posts or signing petitions; it's a fundamental shift in how we live. It means making conscious choices about our consumption, supporting ethical businesses, and engaging in our communities. This isn't about being perfect, but about recognizing our impact and striving to live in a way that aligns with our values. Whether it's reducing our carbon footprint, advocating for marginalized groups, or supporting local organizations, activism becomes a lifestyle when it's woven into the fabric of our daily lives.
If you want to be an activist then you got to get ACTIVE.
CONTRA-TIEMPO is a Los-Angeles-based activist dance company. Our physically intense and politically astute performance work moves audiences to imagine what’s possible. We thrive to awaken people to a sense of themselves as artists and social change agents who move through the world with compassion and confidence. We wield the power of art to influence social change, live out our values, and teach others to engage in art activism! Support our movement by donating today!
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Digital Activism. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from
Fisher, R. (2020, September 15). The subtle ways that 'clicktivism' shapes the world. BBC Future. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from
Muslic, H. (2017, June 20). What is slacktivism and is it even helping? Nonprofit Hub. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from